Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pick’s theorem

To find the area of an irregular shape we divide it into smaller regular shapes and then add all the areas to get the area of irregular shape.

It is a complex shape, but there is an easy way to calculate its area, by simply counting lattice points! If you count the number of lattice points on the boundary of the polygon (b), and the number of lattice points inside the polygon (i), then the area (A) of the polygon is given by Pick's Theorem: A = i + b/2 −1.
A good way to explore lattice polygons is with a geoboard. A physical geoboard is a piece of wood with pegs (or nails) arranged in a regular grid. The wood represents a section of the plane, and the pegs or nails are the lattice points. You stretch rubber bands over the lattice points to create polygons. You can make or buy a geoboard for this project . a sample of geoboard

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